GreenPower – Eday exhibition open day thank you

Photo of Neven Point windfarm

Scottish renewable energy company GreenPower would like to thank all those who attended the open day exhibition last week (19th Nov) on the revised design for the proposed Neven Point Wind Farm on Eday.

Sam Layton, Lead Project Manager, said: “The weather was cold, windy and wet, but around 30 people attended the event, and many constructive conversations were had. There are always a range of views on development projects like this and I wanted to personally thank everyone who attended and engaged with us. All of the materials presented at the exhibition are on our website – so people can still enter a ‘virtual’ exhibition – and complete feedback forms by the 4th December for this phase of the consultation process. Constructive feedback on our Commitments Register is also welcome.”

As the event kicked off, GreenPower published a register of key commitments to the community at the first of two public exhibitions for its wind farm proposal at Neven Point, on the island of Eday, Orkney.

Commitments made include:

  • ensuring the pier and ferry services are protected and maintained during construction,
  • to consult further on priorities for community benefit funds including a potential energy discount scheme,
  • welcoming interest in community investment and to have open discussion about how and whether this could work,
  • measures to maximise opportunities for local businesses and local skills and services to be involved in the project.

Following initial consultation in 2022, GreenPower has undertaken additional technical and environmental survey work – and this data, together with community and statutory consultee feedback received, has helped to further refine the layout. This has resulted in a new 5-turbine layout as presented at the public exhibition.

George Baxter, Director of Development added: “We have carefully refined the proposal following earlier consultations and are now seeking constructive feedback on the revised design. Our aim is to support the urgent action needed to tackle climate change, but crucially to do so in a way that significantly benefits the community.

“We take our responsibilities as a reputable developer and operator of high-quality renewable energy projects very seriously. We believe the project could make a significant positive contribution to the island’s future prosperity, and offers meaningful and tangible benefits which could help secure and preserve the sustainability of the island. As such, people’s feedback at this stage on the benefits they would like to see the project deliver is really important.

“The modern turbines proposed are becoming standard across Europe – they are efficient, quiet and powerful and the experience of wind farm development across Scottish islands and the rest of Scotland is generally positive.”

The commitments register is a live working document which will be added to, in response to feedback and consultation on the project. Planning application submission is expected in the first half of 2025.

Project web pages:

The full commitments register can be found here:

Letter to residents: