GreenPower Community Fund Supports Village Halls and Sports Local to Carraig Gheal Wind Farm

Local wind farm operator, and Scottish owned independent renewable energy company GreenPower, is delighted to announce another round of Carraig Gheal Wind Farm community benefit funding awards to local projects in the North Argyll area.

Six awards were made by the long established Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Community Fund (CGWFCF) Steering Group chaired by John Fleming, public member for Avich and Kilchrenan. A further full round of applications will be considered in March 2025.

Successful applications include £10,000 towards a rotary mower for Taynuilt sports ground, £4,500 towards Glen Orchy community orchard for tree safety work, £8,650 to upgrade electrical equipment at Taynuilt village hall, £10,000 to create a warm seated area within St Conan’s Kirk, £9,960 for external repairs to Kilchrenan village hall and £3,100 for new stage drapes at the Kilninver and Kilmelford Village Hall.

“We at Kilmelford and Kilniver Village Hall are immensely grateful to the community benefit fund for their support and dedication to enhancing the lives of those in our area.” Matthew Anderson, Chair of Kilmelford and Kilninver Village Hall

John Fleming said, “It’s a privilege to be involved with GreenPower and the Carraig Gheal Windfarm Community Benefit Fund and to have been part of the process in making funding decisions which have helped to improve, enhance and add facilities within the five community council areas covered by Carraig Gheal Windfarm. I’m looking forward to continuing this partnership and delivering funding for future projects within the five community council areas.”

“The residents of Kilchrenan are delighted to have the support of Carraig Ghael Wind Farm to keep their village hall in good shape! This funding not only preserves our hall, but also the sense of community that thrives within it.” Kilchrenan Hall Committee

Since the inception of the CGWFCBF the fund has received over £580,000 from the wind farm. This has helped support over £1.2 million worth of projects within the five community council areas surrounding Carraig Gheal Wind Farm (Avich & Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, Glenorchy & Innishail, Kilinver & Kilmelford and Kilmore).

As well as deciding on the recent round of applications, the Steering Group and new Chair, John Fleming, also welcomed four new members; Melanie Currie as the public member for Taynuilt, Carlone Boswell as the public member for Kilmore, Jane Darby as the Kilmore Community Council representative and  Chris Cowley as the Avich & Kilchrenan Community Council representative.

Jennie Cowley from GreenPower said: “The Steering Group do an important and fantastic job in ensuring funds are invested to the benefit of the local community, deciding on funding criteria and making decisions on individual funding applications. I want to thank them for all their dedication and time, and congratulations to those who were successful this time round – and we look forward to further community investment and submissions in the future.”

The Steering Group is made up of a community council representative and a member of the public from each of the five community council areas bordering the wind farm: Avich & Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, Glenorchy & Innishail, Kilinver & Kilmelford and Kilmore. The Group meets twice a year to decide which of the main grant applications submitted will be funded, along with reviewing the general running of the fund.