Community Benefit Steering Group Visits Carraig Gheal Wind Farm

The most recent Community Benefit meeting was held on 27th March  in the control building at Carraig Gheal Wind Farm. Prior to the meeting members of the Steering Group joined GreenPower staff on a tour of the Wind Farm.  For many it was the first time they had been up close to a wind turbine.

Rob Forrest, GreenPower CEO welcomed the group and said: “It is one of the most rewarding activities in renewable energy, taking people to visit an operational wind farm. It was extra enjoyable to host members of the local community who make the decisions about where the community benefit funds are to be allocated locally and they do a tremendous job,”

David Mudie, Chair of the Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Steering Group said: “The CGWFCBF steering group is drawn from members of the 5 communities and are passionate about any activity which will improve and enhance life in their community. They have supported a wide range of developments from very small start-ups to contributing to large developments and making a difference.”

Rob Forrest(CEO) explaining the workings of the wind turbine to members of the Steering Group.
Rob Forrest (CEO) explaining the workings of the wind turbine to members of the Steering Group.