GreenPower is pleased to announce plans for Barachander Wind Farm, the sister project to the existing GreenPower developed wind farm at Carraig Gheal, near Kilchrenan, in Argyll.
A planning application will be submitted in early 2024 following public and statutory consultation, alongside detailed environmental assessment. GreenPower, which is one of Scotland’s leading and long standing independent renewable energy businesses, has submitted a scoping report to the Scottish Government, Argyll and Bute Council and other stakeholders and published initial information about the project. See here:
George Baxter, Director of Development at GreenPower said: “At a time when the climate emergency demands new green energy solutions – the Barachander Wind Farm is proposed in a good location for a relatively modest number of turbines with good energy yield. We are also creating the Argyll Hydrogen Hub in the region, and Barachander can play a part in this powerhouse for clean renewable energy in the north of Argyll.
“The development will be located within an upland area right next to an existing hydroelectric scheme and close to our sister project at Carraig Gheal. The area already includes a major commercial forestry plantation and the wind farm will be constructed sensitively to create a double bonus for tackling climate change – trees and turbines.
“Best practice construction techniques will be used and a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment is well underway to finalise the proposal. We will set out further opportunities for formal and informal consultation over the coming months.”
The site will comprise around 11 wind turbines at up to 180 metres tall from ground level to the top of the blade tip. These are mid-range modern standard efficient turbines, chosen as they are economic without any public subsidy. GreenPower also commits to meeting current Scottish Government guidance to provide the equivalent of £5000 per MW of installed generating capacity annually into a community benefit fund every year. The project could be up to 66MW.
Major component access to Barachander will utilise the 34km timber haul access road which was used to bring turbine parts to the Carraig Gheal project and now acts as a major strategic timber haulage route minimising heavy traffic on public roads. GreenPower previously worked with the Forestry Commission and Argyll and Bute Council to finance and construct this route.
Generating up to 66MW of renewable electricity, Barachander Wind Farm will provide enough power for approximately 64,000 homes.
A battery system is also proposed to smooth out energy supply, providing a short-term reserve and potential services for the National Grid.
Sam Layton, Lead Development Manager added: “As well as creating much needed green electricity to fuel the future of zero carbon heating and transport – the project will create jobs and work for local people and businesses. GreenPower will host ‘meet the buyer’ events and will ensure as many contracts as possible will be awarded to local businesses.
“Community benefit payments also provide an opportunity for community wealth creation and the delivery of strategic and transformational community initiatives to meet local needs. Further consultations and events will explore these opportunities during the pre-application period between now and the end of 2023.”
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