The annual Gala Day held in Blackridge, West Lothian, is one of the main events in the village calendar, and this year, a team from GreenPower hosted a stand of fun activities for attendees. Whilst the rain poured down at Westrigg Park, some folk were able to shelter in the GreenPower tent, where they could take part in a quiz for prizes, decorate and build their own paper windmill, and learn about the climate emergency.
The event also provided the perfect opportunity to show a short film featuring GreenPower, Thrive Renewables and NatureScot, about the extended boardwalk at Blawhorn Moss, highlighting climate change and biodiversity loss, with some stunning drone footage of Blawhorn Moss and the nearby Drumduff Wind Farm.
Thanks to everyone who came and visited on Sunday, to the Blackridge community for kindly inviting us along to attend, and thanks also to @Thrive Renewables and @RSPB for the kind donations of supplies and prizes.